Student[NumericalAnalysis][Draw] - create a plot of a certain aspect of an interpolation structure
Calling Sequence
Draw(p, opts)
a POLYINTERP structure
(optional) equation(s) of the form keyword=value where keyword is objects; objects to plot
The Draw command plots different components of an interpolation structure.
By default, the Draw command plots the following objects: the data points, the approximate polynomial, the function, and the extrapolated points, as long as they are available.
If the option objects is provided, the Draw command will plot the specified objects.
The colors of each object in the plot can be specified using the SetColors mechanism.
objects = list, ApproximateValue, BasisFunctions, DataPoints, ExactValue, Function, Interpolant
Objects to draw. By default, objects = [DataPoints, Interpolant, Function, ApproximateValue], assuming each of these objects is available. If one of the objects in the default is not available, it will not be included in the plot.
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