PolynomialIdeals[Add] - compute the sum of ideals
PolynomialIdeals[Multiply] - compute the product of ideals
PolynomialIdeals[Quotient] - compute the quotient of two ideals
Calling Sequence
Add(J, K, ..., options)
Multiply(J, K, ..., options)
Quotient(J, K, options)
J, K
polynomial ideals, polynomials, or list or sets or polynomials
(optional) properties of the ideal and polynomial ring of the result
The Add, Multiply, and Quotient commands compute ideal sums, products, and quotients respectively.
Add and Multiply accept any number of arguments. The set of variables is extended to include the variables of each ideal. If the ideals cannot be put into a common polynomial ring, then an error is produced. Add and Multiply do not make any effort to simplify their results. The Simplify command can be used for this purpose.
The Quotient command accepts exactly two arguments. If both arguments are polynomial ideals, then the set of variables is extended to include the variables of both ideals. If one or more arguments are polynomials , then the Quotient command takes that to mean in an appropriate polynomial ring.
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