| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
Here is an example that shows the difference between remove_RootOf and allvalues.
| (4) |
is rewritten by remove_RootOf as:
| (5) |
| (6) |
An example with nested RootOfs
| (7) |
| (8) |
If we now evaluate the integral, the resulting solution is

| (9) |
One RootOf can be removed in the expression above (and the solution can be further evaluated using allvalues).
| (10) |
Here, the sum over the Roots of the third degree polynomial is equal to zero.
| (11) |
A second order ODE example in which three solutions with RootOf are returned by dsolve
| (12) |
![[y(x) = RootOf(_Z*x^(3/2)+4*h(_Z/x^(1/2))*x^2), y(x) = RootOf(-ln(x)+2*(Int(1/(_g^2+8*(Int(h(_g), _g))+_C1)^(1/2), _g = `` .. _Z))+2*_C2)*x^(1/2), y(x) = RootOf(-ln(x)-2*(Int(1/(_g^2+8*(Int(h(_g), _g))+_C1)^(1/2), _g = `` .. _Z))+2*_C2)*x^(1/2)]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8673/file01371/math250.png)
| (13) |
![[y(x)*x^(3/2)+4*h(y(x)/x^(1/2))*x^2 = 0, -ln(x)+2*(Int(1/(_g^2+8*(Int(h(_g), _g))+_C1)^(1/2), _g = `` .. y(x)/x^(1/2)))+2*_C2 = 0, -ln(x)-2*(Int(1/(_g^2+8*(Int(h(_g), _g))+_C1)^(1/2), _g = `` .. y(x)/x^(1/2)))+2*_C2 = 0]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8673/file01371/math257.png)
| (14) |
Although remove_RootOf is mainly useful for manipulating nonlinear ODE solutions, it can also be of help with solutions to linear ODEs, for instance when allvalues fails in evaluating the RootOfs.