Incorporating Annotations into your Document
Annotations are notes that you can enter in your document. You can annotate input expressions and text. By default, the notes are not displayed; however, they can be made visible by moving your mouse over an annotated item.
Why Use Annotations
Annotations can contain information such as content author, content origin or purpose, and more.
How to Incorporate Annotations
Annotations are incorporated by using the Format>Annotate Selection menu option.
To annotate text or an input expression:
1. In the worksheet, select the text or expression for which you want to create an annotation.
2. From the Format menu, select Annotate Selection. A text field opens. Click in the text field and enter the required annotation information.
When complete, click in the worksheet to close the text field. The annotated item is highlighted in the worksheet with an outline.
3. To verify the annotation, hover the mouse over the annotated item. The content is displayed.
1. Place the cursor in the annotated text or expression.
2. From the Edit menu, select Edit Annotation. The text field opens displaying the original content of the annotation. Click in the text field and edit as necessary.
3. Click in the worksheet to close the text field.
1. Place the cursor in the annotated text or expression.
2. From the Edit menu, select Delete Annotations.
To show or hide annotation highlighting:
1. From the View menu, select Show/Hide Contents.
2. In the Show Contents dialog, uncheck the box labeled Annotation Markers. No annotations will be highlighted, but the content will still display when you hover over an annotation with the mouse.
3. To highlight annotations again, return to the Show Contents dialog and check the Annotation Markers box.