designate a coordinate system
enter a free vector (the equivalent of a point)
Type , where inequality signs are used for angle brackets
Use the Vector command from the VectorCalculus package
attach a coordinate system to a free vector
construct a vector field
Use the VectorField command from the VectorCalculus package
evaluate a vector field at a point
graph a vector field
Vector Fields tutor
Use the PlotVector command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the dot product of two vectors
Use the period, or the dot ( ) from the Common Symbols palette
Use the DotProduct command from the VectorCalculus package
calculate the magnitude of a vector
Use the Norm command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the cross product of two vectors
In Math mode, use from the Common Symbols palette
In text mode, use &x as the cross-product operator
Use the CrossProduct command from the VectorCalculus package
visualize the cross-product vector
obtain the gradient of a scalar field
Use the Gradient command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the divergence of a vector field
Example 9.3: Divergence via the Nabla or Del operator
Use the Divergence command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the curl of a vector field
Use the Curl command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the Laplacian of a scalar field
Use the Laplacian command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the Laplacian of a vector field
evaluate iterated double integrals over pre-defined regions
evaluate iterated triple integrals over pre-defined regions
evaluate an iterated integral using the int command as modified by the VectorCalculus packages
compute a line integral along a plane curve
compute a line integral along a space curve
calculate a surface integral
compute the flux of a vector field through a plane curve
compute the flux of a vector field through a surface
visualize the TNB (tangent-normal-binormal) frame for a space curve
Space Curve tutor
interactively implement the Frenet-Serret formalism for a space-curve
programmatically implement the Frenet-Serret formalism for a space-curve
Use the TNBFrame command from the VectorCalculus package
Use the Binormal command from the VectorCalculus package
Use the Curvature command from the VectorCalculus package
Use the Torsion command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the coordinates of a point in a different coordinate system
change coordinates in a vector field