The remainder of this worksheet describes the commands exported by QDifferenceEquations.
In analogy to LREtools[REcreate], the QECreate command returns a data structure with a normalized representation of the input equation(s) together with some useful information, for example, whether the equation is linear, the order of the equation, and the list of coefficients. This information is used internally by the other commands in the package.
| (2.1) |
![table( [( vars ) = x, ( qshifts ) = {0, 1}, ( alpha_coeffs ) = [0, 0], ( order ) = 1, ( functions ) = y, ( coeffs ) = [-x, -q^2, 1], ( zero_coeffs ) = [-q^2, 1], ( q_par ) = q, ( linear ) = true, ( Qeqn ) = `&Q`[x, q](y)-q^2 ] )](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8728/file03872/math174.png)
| (2.2) |
This works for non-linear equations, with less information, though.
| (2.3) |
| (2.4) |
Here is an example of a system of linear q-difference equations.

| (2.5) |

| (2.6) |

| (2.7) |
The PolynomialSolution command computes all polynomial solutions of a given q-difference equation. It returns them in the form of a general solution involving arbitrary constants
. The number of these constants is equal to the dimension of the space of all polynomial solutions and is generally less or equal to the order
of the equation. If it is strictly less, then the equation has non-polynomial solutions.
| (2.8) |
Using IsSolution, verify this solution for values of
| (2.9) |
| (2.10) |
| (2.11) |
If IsSolution is applied to an expression that does not solve the given equation, then it returns the degree of the difference of both sides of the equation.

| (2.12) |
The q-difference equation qe has order two, but the polynomial solution space has dimension only one, so there are non-polynomial solutions. All solutions of this equation are rational.
| (2.13) |
| (2.14) |
| (2.15) |
Both PolynomialSolution and RationalSolution work for systems of linear q-difference equations.
| (2.16) |
| (2.17) |
The AreSameSolution command checks whether two given general solutions of a q-difference equation are equivalent, that is, they describe the same solution space. The command assumes that both its arguments solve the equation, but does not check this.
| (2.18) |
| (2.19) |
| (2.20) |
The q-dispersion of two polynomials
is defined analogously to the dispersion in the ordinary difference case, namely as the maximal non-negative integer
such that
have a nonconstant common divisor (that is, a common root). However, powers of the independent variable (that is, the root 0) are excluded. More generally, the set of all such non-negative integers is called the q-dispersion set of
. The QDispersion command returns this set, or if the option maximal is specified, it returns the q-dispersion. If no such d exists, or if the only common divisors are powers of the independent variable, FAIL is returned.
| (2.21) |
| (2.22) |
| (2.23) |
| (2.24) |
The UniversalDenominator command computes a common multiple of the denominators of all rational solutions of a given q-difference equation.
| (2.25) |