Integrals can be reduced to normal form in terms of the three Legendre elliptic functions: EllipticF, EllipticE, and EllipticPi. We begin by declaring some assumptions.
Firstly, the EllipticF function is given by
| (3.1) |
Secondly, the EllipticE function has the form
| (3.2) |
Thirdly, the EllipticPi function is of the form
| (3.3) |
For all of the above functions, the variable k must lie between 0 and 1. The Maple integrator facility reduces
| (3.4) |
to a normal form expression. This can then be evaluated numerically to 30 (or more) digits.
| (3.5) |
Compare this to the Maple numerical integrator, and we see that the answers are the same (at least up to round errors).
| (3.6) |
| (3.7) |
In Maple, the integrator also recognizes the trigonometric form of these integrals:
, where
is a rational function of sin and cos, and
is a quadratic polynomial in sin and cos.