Special Functions
This worksheet gives definitions, properties, and graphs of some of the special mathematical functions available in Maple.
The Airy Wave Functions
The Airy Ai and Bi functions, AiryAi(z) and AiryBi(z) respectively, solve the differential equation:
Floating-point Evaluation
| (1.1.1) |
The derivatives of the Airy functions are denoted by AiryAi(1, z) and AiryBi(1, z):
| (1.2.1) |
| (1.2.2) |
![plot([seq(diff(AiryAi(z), [`$`(z, i)]), i = 0 .. 4)], z = -3 .. 1, legend = ["Ai", "1st Derivative", "2nd Derivative", "3rd Derivative", "4th Derivative"])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math74.png)
The Anger and Weber Functions
The Anger J function, AngerJ(nu, z), solves the inhomogeneous Bessel equation:
and the Weber E function, WeberE(nu, z), solves the inhomogeneous Bessel equation:
Floating-point Evaluation
| (2.1.1) |
| (2.1.2) |
| (2.1.3) |
| (2.1.4) |
The derivatives with respect to the variable can be expressed in terms of algebraic expressions in trigonometric functions and the Anger and Weber functions themselves with shifted parameters:
| (2.2.1) |
| (2.2.2) |
The Bessel Functions
The Bessel J and Y functions of the first kind, BesselJ(nu, z) and BesselY(nu,z), satisfy the differential equation:
The Bessel I and K functions of the second kind, BesselI(nu,z) and BesselK(nu,z), satisfy the modified differential equation:
The Hankel and functions, HankelH1(nu,z) and HankelH2(nu,z) are related to the Bessel functions of the first kind by:

Floating-point Evaluation
| (3.1.1) |
The derivatives of the Bessel and Hankel functions may be expressed as algebraic expressions in themselves with shifted parameters:
| (3.2.1) |
| (3.2.2) |
| (3.2.3) |
| (3.2.4) |
| (3.2.5) |
| (3.2.6) |
The Kummer (Confluent Hypergeometric) Functions
The Kummer M and U functions, KummerM(mu, nu, z) and KummerU(mu, nu, z), are solutions of the differential equation

which can be written as:

Floating-point Evaluation
Asymptotic approximations:
| (4.1.1) |
| (4.1.2) |
| (4.1.3) |
| (4.1.4) |
The derivatives of the Kummer functions may be expressed as algebraic expressions in themselves with shifted parameters:
| (4.2.1) |
| (4.2.2) |
![plot([seq(KummerM((1/2)*i, .5, z), i = -8 .. 0)], z = 0 .. 8, view = [0 .. 8, -10 .. 14], color = [seq(COLOR(RGB, (1/8)*i, 0, 1-(1/8)*i), i = 0 .. 8)])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math397.png)
![plot3d(KummerM(mu, nu, 1), mu = -5 .. 5, nu = -5 .. 5, view = [-5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5], grid = [100, 100], style = PATCHNOGRID, axes = framed)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math406.png)
The Parabolic Cylinder Functions
The cylinder U and V functions, CylinderU(a, z) and CylinderV(a,z) respectively, are solutions to the differential equation:

The Whittaker's parabolic D function, CylinderD(a,z), is related to the above by the following expression

which are equal when .
Floating-point Evaluation
| (5.1.1) |
| (5.1.2) |
The derivatives of the cylinder functions can be written as simple algebraic expressions of themselves with modified parameters:
| (5.2.1) |
| (5.2.2) |
The derivative of the Whittaker parabolic D function is cleaner than the derivative of the cylinder U function:
| (5.2.3) |
The Elliptic Functions
The incomplete elliptic F function of the first kind, EllipticF(z,k), and complete elliptic K and CK functions of the first kind, EllipticK(k) and EllipticCK(k), are defined as:


The incomplete elliptic E function of the second kind, EllipticE(z,k), and complete elliptic E and CE functions of the second kind, EllipticE(k) and EllipticCE(k), are defined as:

The incomplete elliptic Pi function of the third kind, EllipticPi(z,nu,k), and complete elliptic Pi and CPi functions of the second kind, EllipticPi(nu,k) and EllipticCPi(nu,k), are defined as:

Floating-point Evaluation
| (6.1.1) |
| (6.1.2) |
| (6.1.3) |
The derivatives of the elliptic functions of the first and second kinds are in the form of algebraic expressions in themselves:
| (6.2.1) |
| (6.2.2) |
The derivatives of the elliptic functions of the third kind are algebraic expressions in all three kinds of elliptic functions:
| (6.2.3) |
| (6.2.4) |
The Jacobi Elliptic Functions
The Jacobi sn, cn, dn, ..., dc functions, JacobiSN(z,k), JacobiCN(z,k), JacobiDN(z,k), ..., JacobiDC(z,k) are defined in terms of the Jacobi am amplitude function JacobiAM(z, k):

Floating-point Evaluation
| (7.1.1) |
| (7.1.2) |
| (7.1.3) |
| (7.1.4) |
The derivatives of the Jacobi elliptic functions are expressions in other Jacobi elliptic functions:
| (7.2.1) |
| (7.2.2) |
![plot([JacobiSC(z, .5), JacobiCS(z, .5), JacobiCD(z, .5), JacobiDC(z, .5)], z = 0 .. 4*EllipticK(.5), legend = ["sc", "cs", "cd", "dc"], view = [0 .. 4*EllipticK(.5), -2 .. 2], discont = true)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math749.png)
The Jacobi Theta Functions
The Jacobi , , , and functions JacobiTheta1(z, q), JacobiTheta2(z, q), JacobiTheta3(z, q), and JacobiTheta4(z, q) are defined as:

Floating-point Evaluation
| (8.1.1) |
| (8.1.2) |
| (8.1.3) |
The derivatives of the Jacobi theta functions are less elegant than other special functions:

| (8.2.1) |

| (8.2.2) |
![plot([JacobiTheta1(z, .2), JacobiTheta2(z, .2), JacobiTheta3(z, .2), JacobiTheta4(z, .2)], z = 0 .. 4*EllipticK(.2), legend = ["1", "2", "3", "4"])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math843.png)
The Riemann and Hurwitz Zeta Functions
The Riemann function Zeta may be defined as


where the product is over all primes p. The Hurwitz Zeta function is defined as:

Floating-point Evaluation
| (9.1.1) |
| (9.1.2) |
| (9.1.3) |
The derivative of the Zeta function is denoted as Zeta(1,z):
| (9.2.1) |
| (9.2.2) |
The Jacobi Zeta Function
The Jacobi Zeta function is defined by
Floating-point Evaluation
| (10.1.1) |
The derivatives of the Jacobi Zeta function can be written in terms of elliptic functions:
| (10.2.1) |
![plot3d(JacobiZeta(z, k), z = 0 .. 10, k = -.99 .. .99, 'axes = framed', 'grid' = [100, 100], 'style = PATCHNOGRID', 'lightmodel = light4')](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math1002.png)
The Kelvin Functions
The Kelvin Ber and Bei functions, KelvinBer(nu, z) and KelvinBei(nu,z), are defined by the following equations:
The Kelvin Ker and Kei functions, KelvinKer(nu,z) and KelvinKei(nu,z), are defined by the following equations:
The Kelvin Her and Hei functions, KelvinHer(nu,z) and KelvinHei(nu,z), are defined by the following equations:
Floating-point Evaluation
| (11.1.1) |
| (11.1.2) |
The derivatives of the Kelvin functions can be written in terms of algebraic expressions in themselves with shifted parameters:
| (11.2.1) |
| (11.2.2) |
| (11.2.3) |
The Legendre Functions
The Legendre P and Q functions of the first and second kinds, LegendreP(nu, z) and LegendreQ(nu, z), solve the differential equation:

The associated Legendre P and Q functions of the first and second kinds, LegendreP(nu, mu, z) and LegendreQ(nu, mu, z), solve the differential equation:

The associated case simplifies to the regular case when .
Floating-point Evaluation
| (12.1.1) |
| (12.1.2) |
The derivative of the Legendre functions can be written as algebraic expressions in themselves with shifted parameters:
| (12.2.1) |
| (12.2.2) |
| (12.2.3) |
| (12.2.4) |
The Lommel Functions
The Lommel s and S functions, LommelS1(mu, nu, z) and LommelS2(nu, z), are defined by the following equations:
Floating-point Evaluation
The difference between the Anger J and Bessel J functions is approximately equal to the second expression in terms of Lommel S functions:

| (13.1.1) |
| (13.1.2) |


| (13.1.3) |
| (13.1.4) |
The derivative of the Lommel functions can be written in terms of algebraic expressions in themselves with shifted parameters:
| (13.2.1) |
| (13.2.2) |
![plot3d(LommelS2(1.5, nu, z), nu = 0 .. 5, z = 0 .. 5, axes = framed, grid = [100, 100], view = [0 .. 5, 0 .. 5, -10 .. 100], style = PATCHNOGRID)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math1310.png)
The Weierstrass Functions
The Weierstrass , , , and functions, WeierstrassP(z, g2, g3), WeierstrassPPrime(z, g2, g3), WeierstrassZeta(z, g2, g3), and WeierstrassSigma(z, g2, g3) may be defined as follows:


Floating-point Evaluation
| (14.1.1) |
| (14.1.2) |
| (14.1.3) |
| (14.1.4) |
The derivatives of the various Weierstrass functions can be written in terms of simple algebraic expressions of other Weierstrass functions:
| (14.2.1) |
| (14.2.2) |
| (14.2.3) |
| (14.2.4) |
![plot([WeierstrassP(z, .5, .1), WeierstrassPPrime(z, .5, .1), WeierstrassZeta(z, .5, .1), WeierstrassSigma(z, .5, .1)], z = -3 .. 3, legend = ["P", "P'", "zeta", "sigma"], view = [-3 .. 3, -10 .. 10])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9106/file03943/math1427.png)
The Whittaker Functions
The Whittaker M and W functions, WhittakerM(mu, nu, z) and WhittakerW(mu, nu, z), solve the differential equation:
They are related to each other by:

Floating-point Evaluation
| (15.1.1) |
| (15.1.2) |
The derivatives of the Whittaker functions can be written as algebraic expressions in themselves with a shifted first parameter:
| (15.2.1) |
| (15.2.2) |
For more information, consult the help pages for the individual functions.
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