plottools[scale] - scale PLOT and PLOT3D data structures
Calling Sequence
scale(p, a, b, pt_2d)
scale(q, a, b, c, pt_3d)
PLOT data structure
PLOT3D data structure
a, b, c
real numbers; scale factors in the x, y and z directions
(optional) list of two real numbers specifying the center of the scale (for the 2-D case)
(optional) list of three real numbers specifying the center of the scale (for the 3-D case)
The scale command takes a plot structure and produces a new plot structure scaled by the specified values with respect to the center (pt_2d for the 2-D case or pt_3d for the 3-D case). If pt_2d or pt_3d is not specified, the default center is at the origin.
The inputs p or q must be two- or three-dimensional plot data structures or objects, while a, b, and c are real numbers representing the scale factors in the x, y and z directions.
The result of a call to scale is a PLOT or PLOT3D data structure or object containing information to render the plot. You can assign the data structure to a variable, save it in a file, then read it back in for redisplay. For more information about plot data structures, see plot/structure or plot3d/structure.