Classroom Tips and Techniques: Multiple Integrals in Maple - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Classroom Tips and Techniques: Multiple Integrals in Maple

Classroom Tips and Techniques: Multiple Integrals in Maple

: Maplesoft AuthorDr. Robert Lopez
Engineering software solutions from Maplesoft
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At top level, Maple implements iterated integration by composing the Int or int commands. The older student package provided the Doubleint and Tripleint commands for iterated double and triple integrals, respectively. The MultivariateCalculus subpackage of the newer Student package provides a MultiInt command for writing iterated integrals, while the VectorCalculus package modifies the int command to accomplish the same thing. In addition, the VectorCalculus package contains the SurfaceInt and Flux commands, both capable of writing specialized iterated integrals. In this article, we will contrast the syntax and applicability of the various commands Maple has for writing and evaluating iterated integrals.

Application Details

Publish Date: March 08, 2005
Created In: Maple 9.5
Language: English

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