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Maple T.A. - Testing & Assessment
Maple T.A. MAA Placement Test Suite
Möbius - Online Courseware
Machine Design / Industrial Automation
Vehicle Engineering
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System Simulation and Analysis
Model development for HIL
Plant Modeling for Control Design
Robotics/Motion Control/Mechatronics
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A Modern Theory of Random Variation: With Applications in Stochastic Calculus, Financial Mathematics, and Feynman Integration Patrick Muldowney 2012 Calculus | Probability & Statistics
Finite-Elemente-Methode, Rechnergestützte Einführung Peter Steinke 2012 Engineering
Mathematik kompakt: für Ingenieure und Informatiker, Auflage: 4 Yvonne Stry; Rainer Schwenkert 2012 Calculus | Probability & Statistics
Mathematik für Ingenieure Prof. Dr. Klaus Dürrschnabel 2012 Engineering
Funktionentheorie erkunden mit Maple: 2. Auflage Forst, Wilhelm, Hoffmann, Dieter 2012 Complex Analysis
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