Contact Models – Multibody, Multi-Domain Physical Model in MapleSim – Maplesoft ­

Contact Models

This model contains four variations in the implementation of a sticky vertical contact between the ball and the ground plane. In all four implementations, there is no force effect defined along the horizontal (x) direction. The expected result of this simulation is that the ball will hit the ground, get stuck to the horizontal plane and slide along the (frictionless) surface. Two of these implementations are created with built-in 1-D mechanical components in MapleSim attached to the vertical axis: the Translational HardStop and Elasto Gap Component. Both have high damping coefficient to emulate the “sticking” effect. The other two implementations are constructed through either graphical construction (signal flow diagram) or a custom component to realize the contact force equation:

Which basically says when the ball is in contact with (or below) the ground (s(t)<=0), apply a pushing force back that is proportional to the ground penetration (spring effect) and speed (v(t)) of the ball (damping/sticky effect).


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Model Images
The model schematic of the system
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  • Results
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