convert/piecewise - convert to a piecewise function
Calling Sequence
convert( expr, piecewise )
convert( expr, piecewise, var)
literal name
name representing the main variable
Converts an expression containing Heaviside, abs, signum, or `if` to a piecewise function. If the expression has the form , the must be replaced by If to avoid evaluation. If the expression contains more than one name, the argument var specifies the variable with respect to which the function is piecewise.
convert/piecewise can be used to compute the normal form of an expression involving piecewise, Heaviside, abs, signum, min, or max with respect to the variable var.
When converting Heaviside to piecewise you can perform the conversion taking Heaviside(0) = 1. For that purpose set the Environment Variable _EnvUseHeavisideAsUnitStep to true; see the last example.
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Converting signum taking its value at zero from its _Environment variable
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
Converting Heaviside(x) taking Heaviside(0) = 1
| (9) |
| (10) |