StringTools[Border] - compute the border of a string
StringTools[BorderLength] - compute the length of the border of a string
StringTools[BorderArray] - compute a list of border lengths for substrings of a string
Calling Sequence
Border( w )
BorderLength( w )
BorderArray( w )
The Border( w ) command computes the border of a string w. The border of a string (or word) w is the maximal prefix of w that is also a suffix of w.
The BorderLength( w ) command computes only the length of the border of the word w. It is, by definition, equal to length( Border( w ) ), but is more space efficient because the string Border( w ) is not constructed.
The BorderArray( w ) command computes a list of border lengths for the length( w ) substrings of w, where the ith substring consists of the first i characters of w. That is, BorderArray( w ) is equal to .
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